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Who needs to tryout?

New Junior Guards are required to pass a swim test before they can register for the program. JGs who took a year off are not considered returning and must re-test. If your child participated in summer 2024, they are not required to try out. There is no fee to take a swim test. ​


What is the tryout swim?

All age groups must complete 100 yards under 2 minutes (100 meters under 2:13.2). All swim tests must be supervised by a member of our staff. The swim test is a safety standard and there are no exceptions. If your child may need some extra help before attempting the swim test, we recommend looking into our FREE JG Prep Class.

When can my child tryout?

We host 8 tryouts throughout the Spring. Hopeful JGs can check in anytime from 8 AM-12 PM. Once assigned a lane,  participants will be given 3 attempts to pass the tryout, but are more than welcome to attend multiple tryouts if they don't pass the first time. Use the links below to sign-up for a tryout!


Belmont Plaza Pool

4320 E Olympic Plaza, Long Beach, CA 90803

  • Saturday, February 1st

  • Saturday, March 1st

  • Saturday, April 12th

  • Saturday, May 10th

Silverado Park Pool

1540 W 32nd St, Long Beach CA 90810

  • Saturday, February 15th

  • Saturday, March 22nd

  • Saturday, April 26th

  • Saturday, May 24th


*Tryout Sign-ups will open up a month before the scheduled date

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